
100 Reasons for Living: Part 1

1. Pokemon. After all, dying before I catch them all would just be depressing, now wouldn't it?
That car is kind of badass.
2. Finally getting my drivers license! It may happen this summer!
3. Getting my own apartment for the first time. With an awesome friend.
4. My friends. They would be very sad pandas if I died suddenly. 
Steph says I can't die until I'm in my 90s. 
5. Video game soundtracks. Seriously. They're beautiful.
6. The feeling of walking barefoot outside. In the grass, in the sand, in the ocean... in the mulch. Anything but mud. Ick.
7. The feeling of the warm sun against your skin after the chilly spring.
8. Laughing so hard I cry.
9. I won't be able to do this with a kitten anymore IF I'M FRICK FRACKING DEAD
10. It's not my time yet. I still have so much to do in these world.

1 replies ^_^:

Steph said...

Darn right! Until you are at least 94. :D

I like this idea. I would like to do this after I finish more of my spine surgery journey. :)

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