
I found a reason for me to change who I used to be

Or: 100 reasons to live, part 3. See part 1 and part 2

20. Neil Patrick Harris. He's cute, my first true celeb crush, he can sing, he and his partner may be the most ADORABLE gay couple ever. Look, NPH doing a scene from RENT, my favourite musical!!!
the bunny, the bunny, whoah I love the bunny, i don't love my mom or my dad just the bunny..

22. Texting. I like texting. Texting is fun. Dead people can't text. 

23. Jimmy Johns.   Yummy sammichs. GF options. Win!

24. "Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery, that all started with a big BANG!" Come on, I'd miss Sheldon. Well, I can't miss anything if I'm dead because I'm not able to miss things. But, you know, I could never joke about sitting in Sheldon's spot. Or making fun of his Trek-ness. And Sheldon is a fun person to joke about. 

25. There's still a lot of video game consoles I need to own. I can't die before completing my mission of having a ton of old skool and new skool consoles, plus another Commodore. 
Iz floppy. And fun to play with. And just flop around. And get awesome looks for owning.

26. I have to defeat the odds and prove I can overcome all this junk. What a story I'll have!

27. Shiny things. I like shiny things. Not just shiny pokemon, but other shiny things! 

28. Sunsets. Sunsets are beautiful, and it's such a calm, peaceful time of evening.

29. The ocean. I've only seen the Atlantic. Gotta see the others! 
This is from one of my trips to Miami
30. Making random happy faces in random places. It's fun and who knows? Maybe some sad person will see the happy face and then smile, right?

1 replies ^_^:

Steph said...


I just had a flashback to Elementary school. I'm pretty sure we used those for the library computers. For what, I don't remember, but we used them. WOW. GO 90's!

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